(This post is also translated into other languages)
Update in March 2019:
After TensorFlow developers introduced the APIs of Tensorflow 2.0 on Tensorflow Dev Summit 2019, I have made my decision to turn to PyTorch.

TensorFlow is a powerful open-source deep learning framework, supporting various languages including Python. However, its APIs are far too complicated for a beginner in deep learning(especially those who are new to Python). In order to ease the pain of having to understand the mess of various elements in TensorFlow computation graphs, I made this tutorial to help beginners take the first bite of the cake.
ResNets are one of the greatest works in the deep learning field. Although they look scary with extreme depths, it's not a hard job to implement one. Now let's build one of the simplest ResNets - ResNet-56, and train it on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
2019.3 更新:
Tensorflow Dev Summit上开发者介绍TF 2.0 API后, 我彻底下定了换用PyTorch的决心。


First let's take a look at ResNet-56. It's proposed by Kaiming He et al., and is designed to confirm the effect of residual networks. It has 56 weighted layers, deep but simple. The structure is shown in the figure below:

Fig. 1 The structure of ResNet-56
Seems a little bit long? Don't worry, let's do this step by step.
1 Ingredients
Python 3.6
TensorFlow 1.4.0
Numpy 1.13.3
OpenCV 3.2.0
Also prepare some basic knowledge on Python programming, digital image processing and convolutional neural networks. If you are already capable of building, training and validating your own neural networks with TensorFlow, you don't have to read this post.
2 Recipe
2.0 Prepare the tools
Prepare(import) the tools for our project, including all that I mentioned above. Like this :P
1 | import tensorflow as tf |
Wait... What's this? TensorChain? Another deep learning framework like TensorFlow?
Uh, nope. This is my own encapsulation of some TensorFlow APIs, for the sake of easing your pain. You'll only have to focus on "what's what" in the beginning. We'll look into my implementation of this encapsulation later, when you are clear how everything goes. Please download this file and put it where your code file is, and import it.
等等...最后这个是个什么鬼? TensorChain?另一个深度学习框架吗?
呃...并不是。这个是我对一些TensorFlow API的封装,为了减轻你的痛苦才做的。作为初学者,你只需要关注用TensorFlow搭建网络模型的这个过程,分清东西南北。回头等你弄清了大体流程后,我们再来看这个的实现细节。请先下载这个文件并把它与你的代码放在同一文件夹下,然后就可以import了。
2.1 Decide the input
Every neural network requires an input - you always have to identify the details of a question, before asking the computer to solve it. All of the variable, constant in TensorFlow are objects of type tf.Tensors. And the tf.placeholder of our input(s) is a special one. Images in CIFAR-10 dataset are RGB images(3 channels) of 32x32(really small), so our input should shaped like [32, 32, 3]. Also, we want to input a little batch of multiple images. Therefore, our input data should be an array of shape [?, 32, 32, 3]. Unknown dimension size can be marked as None, and it will be clear when we feed the model with the actual images. It's coded like this:
每个神经网络都需要有输入——毕竟你想找电脑解决一些问题的话,你总得告诉它问题的一些细节吧?TensorFlow中所有的变量、常量都是tf.Tensor类型的对象,作为输入内容的占位符tf.placeholder也是(只不过比较特殊而已)。CIFAR-10数据集的图像都是32x32尺寸(好小哇)的RGB图像(RGB即彩色图像的三个通道),因此我们的输入给神经网络的内容将会像是[32, 32, 3]这个样子。另外呢,我们需要输入的是一个小batch(批)的图像,因此,输入网络的图像数据将会是一个[?, 32, 32, 3]的数组(也可以是numpy数组)。未知的维度大小用None代指就好,我们之后给模型喂实际图像batch时,它自然就清楚了。代码如下:
1 | input_tensor = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 32, 32, 3]) |
Ground truth data also need to be known in supervised learning, so we also have to define a placeholder for the ground truth data:
监督学习中,正确标注的数据(英文为ground truth,目前貌似没有对这个名词的合理翻译)也是需要输入到模型中的。因此再给ground truth定义一个placeholder:
1 | ground_truth = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 10]) |
We want the label data to be in the one-hot encoding format, which means an array of length 10, denoting 10 classes. Only on one position is a '1', and on other positions are '0's.
2.2 Do some operations
For now, let's use our TensorChain to build it fast. Under most circumstances that we may face, the computations are based on the input data or the result of the former computation, so our network(or say, the most of it) look more like a chain than a web. Every time we add some new operation(layer), we add it to our TensorChain object. Just remember to get the output_tensor of this object(denoting the output tensor of the last operation on the chain) when you need to ue native TensorFlow API.
The construction function of TensorChain class requires a Tensor object as the parameter, which is also the input tensor of this chain. As we mentioned earlier, all we have to do is add operations. See my ResNet-56 code:
现在呢,我们先用TensorChain来快速盖楼。因为我们遇到的大多数情况下,所有的计算都是在输入数据或者这个计算的前一个计算结果基础上进行的,所以我们的网络(至少是它的绝大部分)会看起来像个链而不是所谓的网。每次我们添加一个新的运算(层),我们会把它加到这个独一无二的TensorChain对象。只要记得在使用原生TensorFlow API前把它的output_tensor属性(也就是这条链上最后一个运算的输出Tensor)取出来就好了。
1 | chain = TensorChain(input_tensor) \ |
This is it? Right, this is it! Isn't it cool? Didn't seem that high, huh? That's because I encapsulated that huge mess of weights and biases, only leaving a few parameters that decide the structure of the network. Later in this pose we'll talk about the actual work that these functions do.
2.3 Define the loss
In supervised learning, you always have to tell the learning target to the model. To tell the model how to optimize, you have to let it know how, how much, on which direction should it change its parameters. This is done by using a loss function. Therefore, we need to define a loss function for our ResNet-56 model(which we designed for this classification problem) so that it will learn and optimize.
A commonly used loss function in classification problems is cross entropy. It's defined below:
$$C=-\frac{1}{n}\sum_x{y\ln a+(1-y)\ln(1-a)}$$
in which \(y\) is the expected(or say correct) output and \(a\) is the actual output.
This seems a little bit complicated. But it's not a hard job to implement, since TensorFlow implemented it already! You can also try and implement it yourself within one line if you want. For now we use the pre-defined cross entropy loss function:
1 | loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(ground_truth, prediction)) |
and it returns a tf.Tensor that denotes an average of cross entropies(don't forget that this is a batch). As for the 'softmax' before the 'cross_entropy', it's a function that project the data in an array to range 0~1, which allows us to do a comparison between our prediction and the ground truth(in one-hot code). The definition is simple too:\
2.4 Define the train op
Now we have the loss function. We'll have to tell its value to an optimizer, which make our model learn and optimize in order to minimize the loss value. Gradient Descent Optimizer, Adagrad Optimizer, Adam Optimizer and Momentum Optimizer are commonly used optimizers. Here we use an Adam Optimizer for instance. You're free to try any other one here. When
现在误差函数已经有了,我们需要把它的值告诉一个优化器(optimizer),并让它去尽可能向着缩小误差函数值得方向努力。这样,模型才能去学习、优化。常用的优化器包括Gradient Descent Optimizer,Adagrad Optimizer,Adam Optimizer以及Momentum Optimizer等等等等。选择优化器时,我们需要给它一个初始的学习速率。这里我用了一个\(10^-3\),如果需要提高准确率,可能后期微调还需要进一步减小。代码如下:
1 | optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001) |
Also, tell the optimizer that what the loss tensor is. The returned object is a train operation.
当然还要告诉它要减小的损失函数是哪个Tensor,这个函数返回的是一个训练操作(train op,一种特殊的运算,或者说操作):
1 | train = optimizer.minimize(loss) |
The neural network is finished. It's time to grab some data and train it.
2.5 Feed the model with data, and train it!
Remember how we defined the placeholders? It's time to fetch some data that fits the placeholders and train it. See how CIFAR-10 dataset can be fetched on its website.
1 | def unpickle(file): |
The returned value dict is a Python dictionary. Every time we unpickle a file, a dictionary would be returned. Its 'data' key leads to 10000 RGB images of size 32x32, which is stored in a [10000, 3072] array(3072=32323, I guess you know how it's stored now). The 'label' key leads to 10000 values in range 0~9. Obviously we have to reshape the data so as to fit it into the network model:
返回值dict是一个字典(Python的dict类型)。每读一个batch文件(比如data_batch_1),就会返回这样一个字典,它的“data”键值是10000张32x32的RGB图像(数组维数居然是[10000, 3072],而3072=10000x32x32x3!实际上就是直接把所有像素、所有通道的值罗列在这里了);“label”键值是10000个0-9之间的整数(代表类别)。显然,为了让数据能够成功放进模型,还需要对它进行一点处理:
1 | batch = unpickle(DATA_PATH + 'data_batch_{}'.format(i)) # 'i' is the loop variable |
The details for data processing are not covered here. Try doing step-by-step to see the results.
The image_data and new_label_data are contain 10000 pieces of data each. Let's divide them into 100 small batches(100 elements each, including image and label) and feed it into the model. Do this on all the 5 batch files:
1 | with tf.Session() as session: |
A session - created with tf.Session() - is required every time we run a TensorFlow model, no matter when we're training it or evaluating it. The first time you run a model, you'll need to run to initialize the values of the TensorFlow variables defined previously.
When running, you must first decide a TensorFlow operation(or a list of operations) that you need. If its result is dependent on some actual data(which means that some data in one or more placeholders flow to this operation), it's also required that you feed it the actual data by adding a feed_dict parameter. For example, I'm training this ResNet-56 model, in which a loss will be calculated with my ground_truth and the prediction result that comes from the input_tensor. Therefore, I'll have to give a value for each placeholder given above(format: "placeholder name: corresponding data"), and fold them in one Python dictionary.
I'm also interested in the loss function value in each iteration(which means feeding a batch of data and executing one forward-propagation and one back-propagation) in the training process. Therefore, what I'll fill in the parameter is not just the train op, but also the loss tensor. And the above should be modified to:
1 | [train_, loss_value] =[train, loss], |
This is when the return value of becomes useful. Its value(s) - corresponding to the first parameter of run() - is/are the actual value(s) of the tensor(s) in the first parameter. In our example, loss_value is the actual output of the loss tensor. As for train_, we don't care what it is. Just add it to match the dimensions.
Actually, one epoch(train the model once with the whole dataset) is not enough for the model to fully optimize. I trained this model for 40 epochs and added some loop variables to display the result. You can see my code and my output below. It's highly recommended that you train this with a high-performance GPU, or it would be a century before you train your model to a satisfactory degree.
1 | import tensorflow as tf |

Fig. 2 Training result: cross entropy has dropped below 0.5
2.6 Conclusion
In a word, building & training neural network models with TensorFlow involves the following steps:
1. Decide the input tensor
2. Add operations(ops) based on existing tensors
3. Define the loss tensor, just like other tensors
4. Select an optimizer and define the train op
5. Process data and feed the model with them
1. 定义输入Tensor
2. 在已有的Tensor上添加运算(op)
3. 像之前添加的那些运算一样,定义损失Tensor
4. 选择一个优化器并定义训练操作
5. 把数据处理为合适的shape,并喂进模型训练
3 A Closer Look
Wait, it's too late to leave now!
TensorChain saved you from having to deal with a mess of TensorFlow classes and functions. Now it's time that we take a closer look at how TensorChain is implemented, thus understanding the native TensorFlow APIs.
3.1 TensorFlow variables
Let's begin with TensorFlow variables. Variables in TensorFlow are similar to variables in C, Java or any other strong typed programming languages - they have a type, though not necessarily explicitly decided upon definition. Usually them will change as the training process goes on, getting close to a best value.
The most commonly used variables in TensorFlow are weights and biases. I guess that you have seen formulae like:
The \(W\) here is the weight, and the \(b\) here is the bias. When implementing some common network layers, they two are always used as the parameters in the layers. For instance, at the very beginning of our ResNet-56, we had a 3x3 sized convolution layer with 16 channels. Its implementation in TensorChain is:
1 | def convolution_layer_2d(self, filter_size: int, num_channels: int, stride: int = 1, name: str = None, |
See? On line 16, we used a tf.nn.conv2d() function, the parameters of which are input, filter, strides, padding, etc. As can be guessed from the names, this function does a convolution operation with out input and the weights(the convolution filter here). A bias is added to the result as the final output. There are also many people who argue that the bias here is meaningless and should removed. One line of code is sufficient for defining a variable:
1 | tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=sigma), dtype=tf.float32, name=suffix) |
To define weight or bias variables, create a tf.Variable object. Usually you'll need to give the initial_value which also decides the shape of this tensor. tf.truncated_normal() and tf.constant() are usually used as the initial values. Also, other APIs - function tf.get_variable() and package tf.initializers are frequently used when using some more methods for initialization. I strongly recommend that you try using these APIs yourself.
3.2 Tensors and operations
Going on with the parameters of the tf.nn.conv2d() function. The required parameters also include strides and padding. You should have already learned about what strides mean in convolution, and I'll only talk about their formats. strides require a 1-D vector with a length of 4, like [1, 2, 2, 1]. The 1st and the 4th number is always 1(in order to match dimensions with the input), while the 2nd and the 3rd means the vertical stride and the horizonal stride.
The 4th parameter padding is a little bit different from its definition in convolution operation. It requires 'SAME' of 'VALID', denoting 'with' or 'without' zero paddings. When it's 'SAME', zero padding is introduced to make the shapes match as needed, equally on every side of the input map.
tf.nn.conv2d() is just an example of TensorFlow operations. Other functions like tf.matmul(), tf.reduce_mean(), tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(), tf.truncated_normal() are all operations. Operation functions return tensors(tf.truncated_normal also return a tensor, a tensor with initializers).
All the functions in the TensorChain class are based on the most basic TensorFlow operations and variables. After learning about these basic TensorFlow concepts, actually you can already abandon TensorChain, go and try implementing your own neural networks yourself!
4 Spices
I'm not joking just now! But I know that there are a lot of things that you still don't understand about using TensorFlow - like "how do I visualize my computation graph", "how do I save/load my model to/from files", "how do I record some tensors' values while training" or "how do I view the loss curves" - after all TensorFlow APIs are far more complicated than just building those nets. Those are also important techniques in your research. If you'd rather ask me than spending some time experimenting, please go on with reading.
4.1 Saving and loading your model
The very first thing that you may want to do - after training a network model with nice outcomes - would be saving it. Saving a model is fairly easy - just use a tf.train.Saver object. See my code below:
1 | with tf.Session() as session: |
I saved my model and variable values to 'models/model.ckpt'. But actually, you'll find 3 files in the 'models' directory -, model.ckpt.meta and model.ckpt.index - none of which is 'model.ckpt'! That's because TensorFlow stores the graph structure separately from variables values. The .meta file describes the saved graph structure; the .index file records the mappings between tensor names and tensor metadata; and the .data-00000-of-00001 file - which is always the biggest one - saves all the variable values. If you need the graph data together with the variable values to be loaded, use a Saver to load after creating a session:
1 | with tf.Session() as session: |
Remember that shouldn't be executed, since variables are already initialized with your saved .data-0000-of-00001 file.
If you only need the graph to be loaded, only use the .meta file:
1 | with tf.Session() as session: |
Function tf.train.import_meta_graph() loads(appends) the graph to your current computation graph. The values of tensors are still uninitialized so you'll have to execute again. The tensors that you defined in the model can be retrieved by their names(property of the Tensor objects, instead of Python variable names). For example:
1 | with tf.Session() as session: |
To retrieve normal tensors, you'll have to append a ':0' to the name of the op. This means getting the associated tensor of the op. train is a little special - we only need the op, so the function is get_operation_by_name() so the ':0' is not necessary.