Cheers for the 8th International linkinpark213 Day!

for i in 'Harper' 'Sweet' 'Kobayashi' 'Kawasaki'
echo "I'm $i, cheers!"

What is linkinpark213 Day?

International linkinpark213 Day is a global anniversary set up by Harper Long in 2011 A.D., celebrated on February 13th every year. This anniversary is officially written as 'linkinpark213 Day', the first letter of which is a lower-case. The establishment of the anniversary dates back to the early 10s in the 21st century.

Till now, the population for this anniversary has already reached 1e-6 million, and the distribution also expanded from a small county to the whole middle-China area, including Hebei, Henan, Shanxi and Shaanxi province. There will also be some Japanese resident who plan to celebrate this day in 2019.

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