MathJax - Use Math in Hexo, Just Like Tex! (Including Common Issue Solutions)

Sometimes you may want to explain some algorithms or principles with beautiful formulae in your blog. How to do this? Edit them in Microsoft Word, take a screenshot, crop it and put it in the blog post? When you finish your article and find out that you missed a symbol in the pictures - oh man, gotta repeat that again? Stop using those images now! A beautiful math display engine - MathJax allows you to code math like a coder.

$$\mathcal{C}\phi \delta e \mathfrak{M}\alpha th \mathit{I}n \mathcal{H}ex\sigma \mathbb{N}o\omega!$$

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Smartypants is NOT SO SMART

When blogging with Hexo, every time I type a single quotation mark(also called apostrophe) like this:


, Hexo would convert it to a symbol like this


You would say that this is also an apotrophe, but it really looks UNBEARABLE in the articles. It's been a problem bothering me for more than a month.(I'm not saying that this is the reason for not updating my blog, but I don't mind if you think so!)

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